The following video gives you little insight to how I got here! From learning to sew on an antique treddle machine as soon as I was tall enough to reach the pedal, to working in design teams, managing fit and production for internationally recognised brands. And finally, what lead to me, as the owner of a sustainable fashion brand, to create this course.
First up we're going to take a dive into your wardrobe. I want you to pull out the pieces you wear all the time whether you like them or loathe them - the key to this is being honest with yourself, because if the pieces you're wearing on high rotation are ones you don't love, we need to figure out why they still play a big part in your wardrobe.
You'll find worksheets for Module 1 in the email sent out on the 3rd of May
Next you need to collect the pieces that you love, and following instructions explained in the video, list why you like them and notes on whether they get worn on not.
Ultimately the goal is to have every piece you put on is make you feel like the best version of yourself and this step is helping us to lay the foundations. So the next step involves collaborating the information gathered in steps A and B to find common elements.
Finally, I think its really useful to get a good overview of the way we spend our time so that we can ensure our wardrobe fulfils our needs. This next activity will help with that.
Welcome to week 2!
I hope you found last weeks lessons and exercises helpful. This week is probably the most fun of the course because you get to indulge and explore in a way that you might not have before due to lack of headspace, time or direction.
Next I want you to create your own board on Pinterest called "Style Icons" and thinking of those stylish people that you admire, create a concise board to reflect the elements of their style that brings you joy, lights you up and inspires you. The next video shows you my thought process and tips for putting this together.
Just in case you're not too sure how to use Pinterest, I've attached a couple of guides below to help give you some direction.
How to set up a Pinterest account
How to create a board on Pinterest
This next activity draws on the results of the exercise from 1c, so these are the culmination of the elements that work for you in your current wardrobe. Have this completed sheet to hand ready to begin following completion of the video below.
Ok, and that's another week done! Let me know how you get on, don't hesitate to email if you have any questions, I'm very open to giving more tailored advice in this section if you feel you need it.
Welcome to week 3!
This week we’re going to be exploring colour while also giving ourselves some dedicated time and space to delve deeper and open up to our intuition.
The following guided meditations have been created by meditation teacher and mindset coach Julia Hogarth, especially for this course.
The first one, "Unlocking your most magnetic self" is intended to help you visualise the best version of yourself.
While the second, "Finding your yes" gives you the tools to look within and understand how to pick up on your bodies response to whether something is positive or negative for you on an intuitive level.
They can be done in either order, in separate sittings or together. You can choose which to listen to first based on what time you have available or which title & description draws you in the most.
To get the most out of these guided meditations, make sure you are in a comfortable space and will be free of interruption (to the best of your ability)
Ok now let's dive into talking colour. Colour is key when it comes to creating unity in an outfit. As you watch the video below, have your worksheet for week 3 on hand to put down any notes or thoughts that come to mind.
The next video talks about different ways to use colour in outfits, while still maintaining a cohesive look, and how with the right palette, you can create strong looks that work interchangeably
Here is the website tool that I mentioned earlier called Colour Space -use this to explore and palettes based on the colours of garments in your wardrobe, or to test out ones you are considering introducing.
This is a little more insight into how different areas of the fashion industry operate and how each section is influenced and shaped.
After you've watched this weeks videos you might find that you want to create a moodboard in Canva - I've created a basic template that you can use/edit to create your own. However if you'd prefer, you can also start from scratch or use one of Canvas many templates.
Canva template for phone wallpaper
Canva template for desktop wallpaper

- Take good quality pictures and list for sale on ebay, etsy, or facebook marketplace
- Attend a wardrobe swap meet - or organise one yourself amongst your stylish friends.
- If the label is a well known one, or your item is of good quality vintage, approach consignment shops to see if they are interested in selling on your behalf.
- Donate to an organisation such as Dress for Success, a global charity helping women achieve economic freedom by providing professional attire for interviews and work.
- Some clothing made of natural fibres can be used for weed matting. A community garden, forest school, allotment or landcare / bushcare group may accept donations.
- Zara and H&M have garment collection programs in store for clothing or textiles. If you’re in Australia, Manrags collects old (clean) socks which they either upcycle or recycle and turned into new textiles.
I don't know about you, but I have a pile of clothes that I would be wearing in high rotation if they underwent a minor repair. The silly thing is that because it's fairly do-able, I never get around to doing it myself.
The answer to this repair avoiding situation, is to find yourself a local repair place -
Repairing things we already own, or having them tailored to fit so they look even more incredible - is far more valuable (and sustainable) than buying new. A skilled dressmaker or tailor can do wonders for that garment you love but doesn't quite fall on your body properly and depending on the level of complexity, it should 9 times out of 10 be more affordable than buying a new piece of clothing. I also love that in doing this you're also putting money into your community and supporting valuable local skills.
Google keyword suggestions, either insert your location on the end or leave as is to see what comes up.
- Clothing repairs *insert your location*
- Clothing alterations
- Tailor
- Seamstress
- Dressmaker
You could also use instagram to search hashtags, either on their own or with your location at the front, such as -
#tailor #alterations #mending #saveyourfavourites #makenew
Check google reviews to see what others say about the businesses that come up, and if you're still a little nervous to hand over your pieces of your wardrobe, take something smaller in of lesser value as a trial to see how you feel about their quality and the service in general.
I definitely think word of mouth is your best friend with this kind of thing. As an older trade, garment repairers can be a bit more traditional in their business model, they often wont have focussed on their marketing or branding, so don't be put off by a faded shop exterior or non existent website.
Ask friends if they have used a repair place that they can recommend, it may not be in the area you live, but you could also look beyond to places near your work or an area you visit regularly.